Hope Faith Ministries is a non-denominational, faith-based ministry that serves the needs of the homeless and less fortunate in Kansas City, Missouri |
Creative Botanical Concepts for Your Outdoor Space |
Beaver Creative Environments offers a full range of landscape and hardscape design, installation, and maintenance services for our residential and commercial clients in the metro Kansas City area |
The Water Garden Society of Greater Kansas City is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the construction, preservation, and appreciation of water gardens throughout the Kansas City metro area |
Grace Church in Lees Summit, MO |
The Midwest's most complete stone supply company |
Meyers Brothers Building Company is a commercial construction company for the Kansas City area |
Suburban lawn & garden is a multi-faceted retail, wholesale and service organization dedicated to the principles of growing superior products, providing excellent service, and delivering great value. |
William Jewell College Student Senate |
Rock Wall and Landscaping provides professional design, installation, and maintenance of all phases of landscaping, irrigation, lighting, pavers, walls, ponds, etc. |
Other Major Contributors:
Mike Cillessen
Tim Clemons
Dr. Michael & Linda Hardwood
Shirley Pryor
Kevin & Teresa Shaffstall
Welch Family Foundation
Joy Snyder